Monday, May 14, 2012

Interior Paint Removal

When painting, it is easy to accidentally get paint on objects that you did not intend to have painted. Once the paint is dried, interior paint will not generally come off of things without some help. If you are lucky, you've gotten paint on a hard surface such as tile, vinyl flooring or wood, at which point you may simply scrape it off with your fingernail or a dull butter knife. If you have gotten paint on fabric, carpet or upholstery, your removal job will be a bit more involved.


  1. Remove all of the paint you can by blotting with rags if the paint is still wet. Try not to push the paint deeper into the upholstery or carpet. Use wet rags to aid in the removal of as much paint as possible once the majority of the paint is cleaned up.
  2. If your paint is already dry, saturate it with Goof Off and allow it to sit for about five minutes. If your paint is still wet, skip to Step 4.

Use clean rags to scrub as much of the paint up as possible. Keep reapplying the Goof Off until all the plastic feeling part of the paint is removed and only the dye remains.

Use the Spot Shot on carpeting, or upholstery stain remover on furniture to get the remainder of the paint and paint dye out of your soft surfacing. Use clean white rags for scrubbing

To let a professional painter do it instead, call Bart Rafferty @ 719-492-3176 for a free estimate.

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